Young People and Teenagers
from 11 years old
We believe you want to be happy, confident and feel like you belong in this world.
If you don't feel this way or are troubled by any of the difficulties listed below, contact us.
We can help you. For examples of how we help, see the client stories below.
Call +44 (0) 333 800 3454
for a free, brief chat and consultation.
Are you troubled by ?
- Low mood and feeling overwhelmed
- Fears or Phobias
- Low confidence
- Dislike of your body or a part of it
- Family breakup or change
- Changing school or level (transitions)
- How to make and keep friends
- Low Self-esteem
- Sexual Health or Intimacy concerns
- Anxiety or Worries
- Swings in emotion
- Obsessive Compulsiveness (OCD)
- Anger
- Bullies or your desire to bully
- Needing to get things right, be perfect
- Self-Harm
- Feeling like you don’t fit in
- Exam pressure
We care. We are kind.
Composure Psychology Therapists care about you.
Our mission is to help you feel better.
We work with you and if you choose, your parents or guardian. We help young people and teenagers thrive.
We use talking therapy to help you to understanding how difficulties have come about, what is keeping them going and help you learn healthy ways to manage difficulties.
Our therapists talk with you about how to overcome worries, fears and obstacles. We assist you to build resilience. This is your ability to cope with what ever life throws your way and 'bounce back' during and after a difficulty.
Composure helps you to feel better, develop your independence and grow your confidence in your identity and sense of belonging.
What does our help look like?
Here are some examples of how we have helped young and teenage clients in the past.
Our clients have granted permission for their story to be shown here or we have combined stories from different clients to protect confidentiality.
Different names and pictures have been used to protect identities.

12-years old, Student
Fear of the dark & worry about school
One of our Clinical Psychologists met Oliver and his Mother together and individually, to find out about the difficulties and to understand their goals for therapy. Oliver said he felt scared, when he woke up at night, was at home or walking home in the dark: he wanted the horrible feeling to stop.
Oliver cried, which was OK with us. He said he felt embarrassed and it was hard when he didn’t do well on a test or didn’t come first in something he thought he was good at. Oliver explained he worried he would slip behind at school, there was too much homework and teachers didn’t like or notice him, even when he had his hand up.
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17-years old, Student
Low self-esteem & low mood
When Penny called Composure, she was very upset and wanted help with feeling low and crying all the time. Penny didn’t think she was a strong person but we already knew she was brave because she had picked up the phone and asked for help.
Our psychologist met with Penny, discussed her difficulties in more detail and helped her identify specific goals for the therapeutic work. Penny preferred that everything remain confidential from her family, despite their support. That was fine with us and we recommended and agreed with Penny that a brief letter be sent to Penny’s GP.
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Contact Us
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For information about how we secure and use your data please refer to our privacy policy.
It's safe to contact us.
We really do want to help.
Call +44 (0) 333 800 3454 or
WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7747 414 950 or
Send us a message.
We are very happy to answer any questions you may have.