Rebecca Louch
Trainee Clinical Psychologist
Hello! I'm Becca, a trainee psychologist currently undertaking my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. My seven years of experience delivering assessments and mental health therapy have included five in the NHS and a variety of clinical settings including Psychology, Cancer, Elderly and Neuropsychiatry services. I draw on a range of evidence based psychology models and theories and where client need requires it, use an integrated approach to therapy.
My work has focused on supporting individuals across the life span with physical health challenges, including brain injury, cancer diagnosis, and dementia presentations and the impact these have on their mental health, relationships and quality of life.

Thank you for helping me cope with my life
Female, 60s, Retired Carer
These sessions give me hope when I feel 'what's the point of it all?'
Male, 50s, Police Officer
While working in both community and hospital settings I have collaborated with individuals to help them make sense of their experiences in a way that is supportive and non-judgmental. I help people learn new skills and strategies for improving their mental health and overall mood. Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are just some of the models I am experienced in applying in order to help individuals work towards outcomes that they feel are most helpful for their needs.
While working with ComposurePsychology I am supervised by the Director and Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Dr Janine Hayward (or another senior clinician if she is unavailable for any reason) and together we will strive to support you professionally, ethically, safely and effectively.
Trainee Clinical Psychologist in Plymouth experienced with Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Physical health impact on mental health,
Low self esteem and Relationship difficulties
Please contact me at ComposurePsychology
with FOR BECCA in the subject line
or telephone +44 (0)333 800 3454
to book a session or for a free brief chat
about how we might work together.

The strategies that I've learnt have really helped me be able to do the things that align with my values and what I want.