Dr Lisa Law
Senior Clinical Psychologist
Hi, I am a British-trained Clinical Psychologist based in Tel Aviv and Pardes Hanna. For 23 years I have been providing a range of psychological services to the public, private and voluntary sectors, including, psychological assessments, therapeutic interventions, university lecturing and psycho-legal report writing.
Everyone at times experiences difficult thoughts and feelings. Life can be stressful, decisions complex and relationships fluctuating. Usually this is all part of the ordinary ‘ups and downs’ of life. Sometimes, however, difficulties can become overwhelming and difficult to manage alone. When problems start to impact on our self-esteem, as well as our personal, social and professional lives, we can feel stuck, frustrated and helpless. Talking to colleagues, friends and family may not feel enough or comfortable. Meeting with a Psychologist can offer insight to ongoing patterns and uncover helpful ways to reevaluate and make changes. Therapy offers a chance to pause and ‘take stock’; to be heard and to thrive.
Everyone at times experiences difficult thoughts and feelings. Life can be stressful, decisions complex and relationships fluctuating. Usually this is all part of the ordinary ‘ups and downs’ of life. Sometimes, however, difficulties can become overwhelming and difficult to manage alone. When problems start to impact on our self-esteem, as well as our personal, social and professional lives, we can feel stuck, frustrated and helpless. Talking to colleagues, friends and family may not feel enough or comfortable. Meeting with a Psychologist can offer insight to ongoing patterns and uncover helpful ways to reevaluate and make changes. Therapy offers a chance to pause and ‘take stock’; to be heard and to thrive.

These are just some of the things you may want to think about and work on together:
• Feelings of loneliness, confusion, emptiness, sadness, guilt, jealousy or anger
• Relationships within your family (for mixed culture couples/families, therapy is
carried out bilingually in English and Hebrew)
• Intimacy
• Difficult life experiences and changes
• Fears, panic and phobias
• Sexual difficulties
• Lack of self-worth
• Feeling negative
• Identity issues
• Difficulties/stress at school, home or work
• Lack of motivation or direction
• A reflection on the past, evaluation of the present or dreams for the future
Of course, every individual is unique and the difficulties you are experiencing may not appear on this list but may be explored during therapy.
My clinical experience has been varied and includes working with children, adults, families and groups. One of my special interests is working with bilingual/mixed culture couples and issues arising from the impact of immigration and/or acculturation. As an immigrant myself, I am well aware of the challenges inherent in living abroad. My practice is geared towards the particular difficulties of immigrants, such as feelings of isolation or being ‘deskilled.
• Feelings of loneliness, confusion, emptiness, sadness, guilt, jealousy or anger
• Relationships within your family (for mixed culture couples/families, therapy is
carried out bilingually in English and Hebrew)
• Intimacy
• Difficult life experiences and changes
• Fears, panic and phobias
• Sexual difficulties
• Lack of self-worth
• Feeling negative
• Identity issues
• Difficulties/stress at school, home or work
• Lack of motivation or direction
• A reflection on the past, evaluation of the present or dreams for the future
Of course, every individual is unique and the difficulties you are experiencing may not appear on this list but may be explored during therapy.
My clinical experience has been varied and includes working with children, adults, families and groups. One of my special interests is working with bilingual/mixed culture couples and issues arising from the impact of immigration and/or acculturation. As an immigrant myself, I am well aware of the challenges inherent in living abroad. My practice is geared towards the particular difficulties of immigrants, such as feelings of isolation or being ‘deskilled.
In addition, my doctoral training centre specialised in issues of difference and social inequality and my thesis focused on cultural sensitivity. I have lectured on working with diverse populations and issues of oppression on master’s level psychotherapy courses. In the voluntary and public sectors I have been involved with the development of refugee and asylum-seeker support systems. In particular, I was part of the initiative for unaccompanied refugee minors, providing psychological assistance and humanitarian support to individuals, consultation to refugee aid groups and the United Nations and psychological assessment reports for the Ministry of Education.
A further area of interest for me is the psychology of wellbeing. I believe in the innate capacity of every one of us to heal and, moreover, to live well. That is, to live a life with meaning, curiosity, appreciation, purpose, accomplishment, growth, comfort and contentedness – not simply a lack of distress. We all deserve to experience positive relationships with ourselves and others, feel a sense of control over our lives and a satisfying engagement with our environment. I teach courses on wellbeing, psychological resilience and coping with entrepreneurial failure in a number of universities in both psychology and entrepreneurship programmes. I use the growing research in the field of positive psychology to inform my practice and balance formulating and supporting areas of distress with building resilience and positive lifestyles the individual aspires to attain.
Models and Mediums of treatment
My training in Clinical Psychology in London gave me the opportunity to study a number of classic and contemporary models. This has allowed me to develop a ‘tool bag’ of skills. I believe in working integratively, in order to provide the best fit according to need, difficulty and personality style. For example, I use practices from Cognitive Behavioural, Psychodynamic, Schema-focused, Systemic, Existential and Narrative therapies. I am further influenced by Neuroplasticity, Emotion, Attachment-focused and Post-Modern/Social Constructionist models. I also use relaxation and meditation/mindfulness techniques. Above all I believe therapy must be empathic, containing and down-to-earth. The most important aspect of therapy, of course, is always the relationship between therapist and client.
Qualifications and licensing
I received my Bachelor’s degree (BSc Hons) in Psychology in Leeds and my Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (ClinPsyD) in London. I undertook additional specialised clinical training in psychoanalytic and systemic family therapies at the Tavistock Clinic in London. I am also licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in Israel (license number 8221).
Clinical Psychologist fluent in Hebrew with interests in bilingual/mixed culture couples, the impact of immigration and/or acculturation and solution-focused techniques.
Please contact me at ComposurePsychology
with FOR LISA in the subject line
or telephone +44 (0) 333 800 3454
to book a session or for a free brief chat
about how we might work together.
with FOR LISA in the subject line
or telephone +44 (0) 333 800 3454
to book a session or for a free brief chat
about how we might work together.